18 June, 2009

"We love Lucy!"

Damn right we do! (^_^)

It's been a long time not coming here, I must say. It's becoming a (bad) habit of mine...
But anyway! Today I have an announcement!

It's with great pleasure that I present you...

"We love Lucy!", the new web comic by yours truly!

So go ahead and click it! Use your procrastination time well, by viewing this comic! XD

05 June, 2009


Palavras: vela, copo, quadro

Sim, é tarde.
Mais uma noite em claro.
Mais um vazio a somar aos
inúmeros buracos que compõem a minha alma.
Já perdi a conta aos copos que seguidos emborquei
na boca seca e amarga...
A chama de uma vela perdida na distância troça da minha fragilidade...
Que sabes tu,
Tu que iluminas e dás calor?
Tu, que em ti todos os olhos se fixam em espanto
por seres tão graciosa e ao mesmo tempo, mordaz?
Eu rio-me, só, enquanto me recolho na escuridão.
Deixo que o liquído cor de mosto atravesse mais uma vez
a minha garganta, áspera de tanto gritar.
Esse bálsamo inebriante.
Poderia até pintar um quadro, digno de museu
Como todos os que ficaram na história.
Os seus autores e eu, não somos tão diferentes assim.
A única diferença é que eles pintavam a sua loucura.

17 May, 2009

Secret thoughts....

You are my private Audey Tautou. Like she was a muse to Chanel's campaign, you are the muse to my inspiration...

12 May, 2009

New partner blog

For all of you who are somekind of Photoshop (part-time like me) artists, I bring you a new blog, Omake no Bāsho. It's still relatively new but I recon it'll develop just fine, once the owner starts working her ass out! *fit of laughter*

In her words:
This blog's purpose is to give other people to know about Photoshop art, tutorials, writing, fiction, anime, humor, music... Some of my passions! (^_^)b

Omake no Bāsho (click the image)

09 May, 2009

New layout

Hello everyone.

As you can see, I changed once more the layout of the blog. I'm never happy with it... Also, I've been very busy in the meantime, (academic issues) so I haven't been able to post, structure and update the blog.

See you guys around.

06 March, 2009

Is it just me?!

I present Anna Tsuchiya, some might know her some might not. She's a Japanese singer, model, actress... Any ways I'm with the blues tonight so I thought this could cheer me up.

As I was listening I noted I "heard" Taste my skin somewhere else... No kidding....

And it came to mind! It's that freaky girl band from Morangos com Açúcar (lit. Strawberries with Sugar, a Portuguese teen soap) who sings it! They totally ripped the song! Also, a note for teh skeptics, her album which features this song came out in 2005! Who came first, huh? (>__<)


Oh yeah... Those bloody guys connected to Morangos Com Açúcar crew/staff all came to say the song wasn't ripped and that we all should look to the authors names..

Yeah, right...
I say...

*I iz mad!*

Judge for yourselves....

Anna Tsuchiya - Taste my skin

Just "bloody freaking" Girls - Ser radical

28 February, 2009

A new danger on the roads!


It's official!
I got my biker's license today! Yay! It was something I longed for a while! (^_^) The exam went pretty well, I just had some minor faults and I passed!

Now, another issue arrives...
The purchase of the said-bike...

I have my "girl" picked up already... Now all I need is the cash... (-__-)#

What do you guys think of her?
Honda CBF600SA

18 February, 2009

Poema expresso

Palavras: coração, chuva, crianças

Perdidos e achados
frase que não combina;
ou se perde ou se acha
Será que se pode achar sem se perder?
Achar é sinónimo de encontrar.
Será que te encontro para te perder?
São jogos,
apenas jogos de palavras,
jogos de crianças,
mas as crianças não conhecem as palavras ainda
porque se conhecessem,
sabiam que dói usar as palavras que não encontram resposta.
E aí,
aí o coração chora.
chora como o céu em dia de chuva.
mas o que a chuva leva, as lágrimas trazem,
trazem sempre á porta do coração
uma carta.
Sera que a chuva é o carteiro do céu?

Poema expresso

 Palavras: beijo, cartas, vida

Consequências da vida
Por caminhos traçados noutra vida
O agora é resultado
Das mil palavras, dos mil anos, dos mil amores
Que vivemos separados.
Pois a distância apenas apaga a chama
Que arde dentro de mim.
O fôlego de um só beijo teu
Seria alimento suficiente para essa chama
Que teima em não morrer…
Sobrevive, dia a dia, hora a hora, minuto e talvez segundo
Através das cartas que te escrevo
Mas que sei
Que nunca as vais ler.

Put a keep are you!

(isto estava aqui)

Um inglês que vivia há algum tempo no Algarve e lá se ia ajeitando a falar português, fez um lista para ir ao supermercado.
Escreveu como pôde e lá ia lendo enquanto empurrava o carrinho:

- Pay she
- MacCaron
- My on easy
- All face
- Car need boy (may you kill oh!)
- Spar get
- Her villas
- Key jo (parm soon)
- Cow view floor
- Pee men too
- Better hab
- Lee moon
- Bear in gel

Quando já tinha passado pela caixa, bateu na testa e disse:
- Food ace! Is key see me do too much! Put a keep are you!

17 February, 2009


(Courtesy: http://generatorblog.blogspot.com)

Mikons are a new take on a classic form of self-expression and a cool way to meet new people through visual symbols. You can create your own mikon, tell your story, and decide how you want to share them and connect with people anywhere in the world.

[ Mikon Generator ]

15 February, 2009

By the way...

There is also a 2-wheel Valkyrie! This one I have heard a while back and kinda giggled at it.... hey I know, talk about coincidences.... Just to straighten up, The Kiss Of The Valkyrie, for how many references it may have has NOTHING to do with any of them. In fact it's pretty much away from all of them. I'd give a prize to who can guess where did I get this from!

It's not one of my favourite designs, I like racing bikes, but nevertheless it's a nice bike.


Well ain't that neat? I know the movie's up for a while but only now I wanted to make a comment about it.
I am the least person to believe in coincidences, but I got to admit this one was pretty darn good. I'm not saying things are connected, but I'm not saying otherwise either. Don't you think it's funny the choice of the name? I'm not a Cruise fan, specially since he "kidnapped" Katie Holmes and well... Katie, we miss you!
Any way, I heard it's a nice movie so this is my suggestion of the week, or at least late night session. Grab some popcorns, watch the movie and while you're at it, remember me! XD just kidding!

In the meanwhile....

OK, It's not the 2-wheel equivalent of a Ferrari, but it's pretty much close. I am no bike expert, in fact my experience on that matter is relatively small. I've liked bikes all my life, I collected photos, miniatures, etc. The chance of learning a little more about these fascinating machines (hey I know, it's not a space shuttle) arrived when of my driving license.

Yes of course, nowadays, having a driving license is almost mandatory. So, a while back I enlisted into a driving school and was pretty much anxious to start my classes. Again, I am not one to make things simple *insert devious grin here* yes I enlisted the B category which is basically the light vehicles. But *ruff some drums please* I also, and secretly, enlisted into the A category, which is the motorcycle category.

Everything was fine, until I had to start the bike lessons. So suddenly I was having 'car' lessons almost everyday, when in fact I was almost finishing those (here before we start the bike lessons we have a 16-head start of car lessons first).

At first we have a 125cc to start with, then after 8 classes or so we step up onto a 500cc Kawasaki ER-5 (that picture on the top). I have to say I was a little intimidated by it, because it was quite different from what I was used to. But hey, I'm not someone to back down from a challenge!

So, let the ride begin!

The hesitation I had disappeared quite rapidly once I put her into first gear. The hum of the engine was so different from the 125, smoother but stronger. The seat height (some 78 cm), well, I still had some difficulties adjusting, but after a round or two it was fine! Of course, it's not everyday we have 194 kilos of raw power, gasoline and drive in between the legs (no pun intended). It's a little baby one must drive oh so carefully.
By the end of the lesson, I didn't want to let go of her *lol* seriously! I even asked my instructor if I could take her home! The following lessons were OK, so far I haven't had a problem with her, no falls and whatsoever. Something that did bother me when I started, was to draw 'eights' on the road. But now, I do them just fine. The key is just to know when to shift our weight and lean really well.
Since I can't (for the time being) afford the new Honda, I'll keep my stakes a little lower and settle myself with the ER-5. It's a steady, reliable and fine bike for starters and recently licensed, and as far as I've heard, long time riders just talk wonders about it.

What's there not to like about it? : )
That's just my 2-cents thought about bikes today. Maybe others will follow!

Take care! (^_^)/

A girl can dream

(Courtesy: BHP)

Honda has pulled out all the stops to showcase the finest technology ever seen on a road bike with the all-new VFR1000F and touring-spec VFR1000GT motorcycles.

Along with the sexiest VFR yet, Honda has finally succumbed and given us a road motorcycle with a V5 engine derived from the successful 990cc RC211V MotoGP machine.

If that's not enough, they've also linked it to a Ferrari-style push-button gearchange for the fastest, smoothest gearchange yet seen, running through shaft drive with a trademark VFR single-sided swingarm.

Honda also has plans for a GT version
I don't care about the ribbon color, just need too get one!!

14 February, 2009

Oh and by the way...

Happy Valentine's Day to my friends! (^_^) <3

Our forum (pt.2)

I'll just re-post this. We need more people at the forum! Right now it's just me and O-Ren, come on people, get involved, share things with us! I have been way busy to post any decent content on the forum, but I am working on it. Who said a forum was so much trouble?!! Eek!

Hey! (^_^)/

Just dropped by to announce a little thing here on the blog. We have our personal and dynamic forum working! (*___*) waaa! It's a beauty!

I am formally inviting all of you who wish to make part of it, in a positive and good way!

We have a long list of topics, some are still under construction, others still in need to be started!

So, come aboard and be a part of The Kiss of the Valkyrie! d( ^_~)b

Follow the link --


See you there! (@_@)

Poema expresso

*Note: this poem and some others that might follow are part of my colletion of "express poems" which are poems made only recurring to three words and in the shortest time possible. Of course you guys don't now how much time I take to write them, but I assure thee it's under 5-minute mark. Or so. The words are chosen randomly, either by myself or someone I ask to do it. Most of them are in Portuguese, but I like challenges! If you have a request for one just drop a line, e-mail me or send some smoke signs! I promise to reply.

Palavras: Coração, pensamento, dor

O sentimento
Nada que o traduza em um
Esse terrível perseguidor
jurado, executor
que os mortais chamam de Amor
Assassino do coração
da razão, ilusionista
malabarista, palhaço
Passo a passo se instala e,
quando se aparta
Dor maior não causa;
causa a morte,
de quem abandonado à sua sorte,
sucumbe ao seu encanto.

Poema expresso

*Note: Poem done in a lazy wintery but sunny afternoon, where the weather was cold outside but the heart was warm. My only thanks are for the muse who inspired it, even though very unaware. Sorry, no translation. The Portuguese language is so rich and poetry is its best application.

A banca das flores
de mil tons, cores, odores
à tua porta.
Pouco me conforta
saber que está à tua porta
e não tas posso dar,
pois mesmo que tas desse
tu não aceitarias tais ninharias de alguém como eu.
De pouco me conforta
saber que está à tua porta e
a mais bela das flores não se encontra lá.

Não foi colhida nem cortada,
Nem tão pouco envasada.
Não faz fotossíntese, não tem clorofila.
Simplesmente, passa à minha frente, altiva
Sempre com um sorriso,
uma graça
Sabendo que a flor que passa
É flor e não o sabe.
Menina dos meus olhos
Menina que não sai dos olhos
e os meus olhos não perdem o olhar.
Menina que me levanta dos destroços,
restolhos da minha alma prostrada.
É ardor, é fulgor, é amor?
É simplesmente flor.
Não de mil tons, cores, odores.
Não tem espinhos nem sementes.
Apenas só completamente
Um sorriso lindo,
Olhos complacentes.

Dizem que há flores
que perecem só de se olhar para elas.

Então já não quero olhar mais para ti.

É crime matar uma flor.
Crime maior, é morrer de amor por uma delas.

04 February, 2009


My deepest apologies to all the people that follow us. Both TKOTV (blogger) and TKOTV forum haven't been updated due to a prolonged absence of one of its major contributors (ME!). The reason for such absence is very much of personal order but it kept me away from here practically all the entire month of January.

With out further ado, I reiterate my apologies and rock on!


2005-2011 Lachaesis | The Kiss Of The Valkyrie