Ok, so I got out and went to open the door for him not even bothering that I was on my pj's, half-asleep and very much cranky. Personal memo: cute and short cat pj's are not allowed outside the house. 'Nuff said.
I got back home and crawled into bed again, waking up around 4PM. I had lunch, tidied my room a little and watched a movie.
Now there was something that buggered me for like a couple of days. Just the other day I was using my mobile and I get a totally unexpected ring. It was from a friend of mine, we went to prep school together and it's like what, 9 years or so that we haven't spoke to each other. I didn't ring her back till today. I just thought 'Oh well...'
After a while I get a text, it was her.
Hey! How have you been doing? All good I hope. I also hope this is your number... What have you been up to? We never spoke again... Kisses, Ana.
Well, I dunno how would you feel if you got a text like this, but I tell ya I had a funny feeling about this... kind of outta place, y'know? I felt some oddity on it but I replied, saying all was good with me and yes it was true that we didn't talk for a while.
Then she asks: Do you have MSN or anything like that? You know, to talk... What have you been doing? Kisses.
Odd I tell ya, odd. I replied again saying yes I do and gave her my e-mail address. OK, maybe I shouldn't have but... There is something fishy about this. I dunno what but I think I sense it and I am finding out.
Let's see what happens.
Gawd... talk about weird stuff...
Ok, so I got another text from her a while after.
I'm already on vacations! Of all goes well, I get out of nursing school in a year. Oh I've added you on MSN. Kiss.
I turned MSN on by dinner time (which means now) and I had her request pending. I accept it and she immediately said hi.
The talk was so or like this:
she: Heeeey! :D
me: Hi there :)
she: I've added you. :p
me: I can see that lol
she: So! how's it going? where are you now? still in Lisbon?
me: All is good yeah, still in Lisbon.
she: I haven't seen you in aaages! Have you been coming here regulary?
me: well yes as a matter of fact. I only didn't go last weekend. but I will the next.
she: really? that's great 'cos next weekend it's my graduation. we so need to go out! :D
me: lol ok
she: where are you living now?
me: with some college friends, we live near college which is nice.
she: cool :) so any news?
me: News? hmm nope, nothing special
she: Hmm no boyfriend?
me: Lol nah, free as a bird.
she: Lol ok.
me: You? (i meant this as in do you have any news, not on the matter she obviously answered...)
she: Oh I'm single too, no boyfriend at the moment.
me:Ok...(insert odd feeling here)
At this moment I went to make some dinner and left.
she: Well gonna get a shower then I'm off with some friends for a coffee.
she: Kiiiiiiiiiiiiiss
I got here like an hour after, looked at the screen and just said ok.
I think the Universe gets a kick outta playing people up like pawns...
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