09 May, 2006


Dedico este post à pessoa que sempre esteve comigo quando eu nada lhe pedi em troca. Que no meio da minha tempestade, se mostrou porto seguro, na minha dor foi suave bálsamo para as minhas feridas e no meu amor foi brisa suave que me envolveu por completo.

Para ti.

Overcome by your moving temple
overcome by this holiest of altars
so pure, so rare
to witness such a lovely goddess

I lost my self control
beyond compelled to throw this dollar down
before your holiest of altars

I'll sell my soul, my self esteem
a dollar at a time for one chance, one kiss
one taste of you my Magdalena

I've beared witness to this place, this lair, so long forgotten
so pure, so rare, to witness such a lovely goddess

And i'd sell my soul, my self-esteem
a dollar at a time for one chance, one kiss,
one taste of you my black madonna

I'll sell my soul, my self-esteem
a dollar at a time

For one taste, one taste
one taste of you my Magdalena

A Perfect Circle_Magdalena

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