29 October, 2006

Medicamento revolucionário!


Watching the moon

I go to bed
I've had a fullsome life
No hope
Three of four times a week
I still get letters on the mail
From the whore who took my poems
Given to me by a cool guy I met recently: I rule, he rocks ^^

28 October, 2006

The sun was still good

screaming for rent
I've written from where it's at
sudden water
flopping on a mattress
I think too of old men sick of music
half a block down
the vultures are over-full
enough to blow up fifty worlds
divided swords
& no women at all
the horses die

nothing more

27 October, 2006

Re: zOMG, It's me! (^^)

Bem, moçoilos e moçoilas, meninos e meninas, dudes e dudettes, dirijo-me a vós, nobre audiência no intuito de me apresentar perante tão mui nobre público *graxista do caneco xD*!

Não costumo ser moça de muitas palavras escritas. Ás vezes vem aquele laivo de inspiração que permite escrever uma teoria mesmo doida, ou dissertar horas a fio sobre a influência do cansaço do caracol na sua queda de cabelo, mas no entanto sempre preferi ficar-me por falar sobre detalhes - a coisa que mais escapa no dia a dia a muito boa gente.

Graças a um convite completamente espontâneo da parte da Lachaesis, junto-me a estas miúdas neste blog com muito orgulho e também uma pontinha de medo... não quero que ninguém apanhe uma seca com o que eu escrever! xD

26 October, 2006

ZOMG!! Another one!! They are everywhere!!!

Well well well... what have we here?
The Kiss Of The Valkyrie is proud to announce that another member will enlist its ranks. Of course I am still the one in charge in here (teehee!)
Out of jokes now, I'd like to give a warm welcome to surreal into our little lair.
May the inspiration run freely in our minds, 'cos God help us that's the only thing we got!
Blessed be!


The deed was done

There's no turning back.

The price to pay was high,

High as the darkened sky

So it was agreed.

The deed is done.

The guilt has come to last

As a curse that was cast,

A shadow from the past, it'll haunt me.

And for my witnesses

My mother Moon and father Sun,

I have a request.

In the name of the Goddess

Hear my plea

For thy soul shall not have rest

Untill it's beyond the endless sea

Where the sun never sets

Where the stars never shine

Where the moon never rises

Lead it to the Summerland

Where the Ancestors behold

The time without time.

The deed was done

Ancient Gods and Goddesses

I invoke thee

Forces from above

Let it be

Such as above

As well as below

A thousand years shall pass

And the seal shall be broke

Thy soul shall rise again

To fulfill thy fate

It shall not wait

It won't be late

And on this very same date

The deed shall be done.

Ancient Gods and Goddesses

I invoke thee

Powers from above

Let it be

I command thee now to the all

Listen to my desire

Bind thy soul!


So mote it be!

25 October, 2006

Ego sum nihil

Perder a vontade de sorrir. Tão simples quanto isso. Perder a vontade de lutar por algo que nos destrói por dentro, mas que ainda assim estaríamos dispostos a um último esforço. Perder a vontade de amar. De nos amarmos a nós próprios bem como aos outros.
Não podemos salvar aqueles que não desejam ser salvos. De novo, tão simples.

Já não me consigo levantar do chão, sinto nas minhas costas os pés, joelhos, mãos que me mantêm imóvel. Ouço as correntes ao longe , serpenteando na minha direcção. Eu não quero, não posso...

Já nem sinto os olhos de tantas lágrimas em vão.
Já não sinto o coração bater porque em vez de um coração tenho um buraco negro.
Negro de dor e sofrimento.
Raiva e impotência planam sobre o meu espírito moribundo como abutres famintos
Dizem que a raiva é mais útil que o desespero. Bem, então devo ter caído nas boas graças das Providências, porque neste momento raiva não me falta.
Como é possível?
Longe de mim depositar responsabilidades ou culpas nos poderes divinos. Não, não têm nada a ver com os desígnios dos homens. Esta raça imunda e podre que nós somos. Sim, somos nojentos. Auto-proclamamo-nos animais racionais... Que animais RACIONAIS torturam, matam, roubam, violam indivíduos, filhos, irmãos pais dos membros da sua própria espécie, pelo simples PRAZER de o FAZER?!
Nenhum animal, nenhum, nem dos chamados grandes predadores e assassinos da vida animal, os irracionais têm semelhante comportamento. Com as suas presas, chegam a ser piedosos e com as suas crias complacentes e devotos progenitores. É raro encontrarmos isso na espécie humana, que por mais irónico que seja, a espécie que tomou conta do planeta que habitamos.

A minha alma está negra. O dia de ontem foi negro e ensombrado como até hoje nunca tinha tido. Só me lembro dos dias após o meu "acidente"... Mas nem esses se comparam.

Rain pours heavy on my heart...

22 October, 2006

Re: New member!!

I too hope I can keep up the good work you have been doing so far :)
It is a pleasure, not to mention fun, to sort of, work with you.
Thanks for the invitation!

P.S.- 'Oh wise one' Bem... isso são só elogios à minha pessoa? :p

New member!!

It is with great pleasure that The Kiss Of The Valkyrie has taken under its wing (so to speak) another soul. From now on, there will be another contributor to its contents, other than myself of course (I'll be hanging around just to keep a look on things of course :p)
I hope this new acquisition can keep up and let's hope we both do a good job at keeping the blog alive and kicking!! Welcome O-ren Ishii, oh wise one.

Thanks to all for the visits and support! (^_^)b

18 October, 2006


I love you
Not only for what you are,
But for what I am
When I am with you.

I love you,
Not only for what
You have made of yourself,
But for what
You are making of me.

I love you
For the part of me
That you bring out;

I love you
For putting your hand
Into my heaped-up heart
And passing over
All the foolish, weak things
That you can't help
Dimly seeing there,

And for drawing out
Into the light
All the beautiful belongings
That no one else had looked
Quite far enough to find

I love you because you
Are helping me to make
Of the lumber of my life
Not a tavern
But a temple.

Out of the works
Of my every day
Not a reproach
But a song.

I love you
Because you have done
More than any creed
Could have done
To make me good.
And more than any fate
Could have done
To make me happy.

You have done it
Without a touch,
Without a word,
Without a sign.

You have done it
By being yourself.
Perhaps that is what
Being a friend means,
After all.


--Roy Croft

17 October, 2006

Is there any Psy-Cho convention in town that I am not aware of?!?!

I think that the title pretty much sums it all up...

Okay! So, I've been having the weirdest week of all times... Yes, my weeks don't necessarily start on Sundays... Today was like weird weird weird all the way.

OK, so I got up awfully cheery today and did all the things normal people do before they go to work/school. I had a shower, I got dressed, I had breakfast, I fed the cats, took the train, the other train, the bus (ok, I was officially squashed in the bus, but then again, who isn't?) and I got to college. An hour earlier than my first class. And you ask why? (Whyyyy?!) I planned on studying a bit before class and organize some things (haha very funny, those of you who are, right now, displaying faces of utter shock...) Anyway, I went to this study room we have in the Math department and I kinda noticed there was a person, (I didn't figure what gender at this point 'cos I am a plain air-head..) I sit on a desk and start taking my stuff out.

What's the big deal, you ask. WAIT! I am not finished yet!

So, I was there minding my own 'biz when I hear someone say "Good morning." (like 5 minutes after I entered) and some things I didn't quite figure out. I thought that the person was talking to someone else on a cell phone or something like it, and not me, so I didn't care.

Then, outta nowhere, I feel a pat on my back and this guy kinda leaned on the desk behind me says "Hey! Have you noticed how the guy cleans the windows?"

Hmmm, I must've gone (o.O) wtf? at that.. he pointed out and there was this window cleaning man.. erm... cleaning the windows?

I know! It's so... urgh! You can't even describe it! If that was a pickup line... He gotta work on 'em better...

I felt like really funny, but not in a fuzzy funny kinda way, if you get my drift... So anyway, by then I realized that the 'Good morning.' was for me!! Talking about being blonde...(no offense to the blondes out there) I swear, my brain had a major break all that time!

 I kinda apologized him for not sayin' hi back 'cos I thought it wasn't addressed to me  and he said no worries and smiled at me..

*sigh number one* Okay... if this isn't weird, than I have to get a new definition of this word on my dictionary... and no.. it doesn't end here.

He was gonna start making small talk when my brain suddenly reconnected to my other senses and I had enough intelligence to say "Oops sorry, late for class! Ta-ta!" Well, it was kinda like that...

He waved back "Bye! See ya!"

See ya?! Since when I gave him permission to say that?!

Meanwhile I had class, but there was this bug nagging behind my ear about all that happened before. I mean... Didn't make much sense, wouldn't you agree?

Lunch time, I had some friends waiting for me at the cafeteria so we could all have a meal in peace and enjoy the pleasure of each others company. I have this really really nice friend of mine to whom I was bursting to tell what happened! So when I get there I was like "Oh (pause) my (pause) God! You are soooo not gonna believe what just happened to me this morning!!"


"Okay, so there was this guy..." I can barely end that because, right next to my other friend, suddenly emerges someone vaguely familiar. Twenty million dollar question, can you guess who?

Yes, the guy.

*sigh number two* No no no no no... this isn't happening. It was going well until he saw I was there too.

"Say! Weren't you back there in the study room?"

"Yes.. Yes I was..."

Bla bla bla small talk, the guy gets glued to us at lunch time and we have to bare with him.. In the table he gets next to me and chirps in whenever I am talking with my friend. Lunch hour is over, he walks with us to our theatre, (note: I wasn't gonna have class really, I just thought it was a good idea to butt into that class and ditch the guy) he asks my friend some Probabilities notes, gets her e-mail and says he'll ask her my e-mail too.

*sigh number three* I am sighing a lot, aren't I? Well, it's kinda hard to comment all this! I mean, considering the week I've had... what is wrong with people?!?! It is me or them?

I know I know... I don't think I can even classify this situation as a psycho alert... more like a pseudo-psycho kind, I think. Considering what I have had lately, I am trying to be as normal as possible about stuff like this, but hey! A person can't help to extrapolate to other whereabouts.


Oh well... life could get worse than this, right?

11 October, 2006

My date with a psycho?!

The following story is based on true and recent facts (they just happened a couple of hours ago!) and any coincidence with reality is pure truth!
Yes ok, 3PM outside college. I’d finally agreed to meet him. We’ve been talking in somewhat a daily basis and to be honest he doesn’t appeal to me. It doesn’t appeal to me at all. But even so, I decided to give out a chance. He arrived 30 minutes late. I didn’t get if that was a manoeuvre to get me anxious or anything or if indeed the traffic was troubled. Anyway, it didn’t work. So, I got in the car and said hi and he said hi back, the usual kiss in cheek. So far so good. For the people who know me kind of good/well, you guys know I talk. I mean I TALK!! So anyway, he asked, you wanna go to the beach? Yeah sure why not? And I started making some small talk. At some point he said, could you be quiet, please? I can’t drive and pay attention to you at the same time. Ok does anyone feel anything wrong in this picture? Well I did. The way till the beach was in total silence, apart from the car radio and the outside. If you ask me, I don’t like silence. I mean I do, but I didn’t like it THERE! Ok we got to the beach, walked and talked a little and finally we found a spot and sat down. Things were going nicely till here. I was sitting with my hands on the sand and behind my back and he was kinda side-to-side with me. We were talking and all of a sudden, he puts his hand on top of mine. I smirked, not a happy smirk I tell ya. So, the more we talked, the more he got close to me and the more I moved away, till there was this time I said hey I gotta get up, got cramps on my legs. He wouldn’t let me, so I started yanking my arm from his hands and I said let me go in a calm but cold tone (well at least that was what I intended it to be) and he let me go. But he got up like immediately and hugged me. I was beyond my limits. All the time, I swear to God and all that I treasure most, I felt like I was on one of those CSI/Criminal Minds episodes. He had a look in his eyes.. it was creepy I tell ya I was already picturing me, all retailed all bloody in some tub (don’t ask me why). But as a fan of both, I’d have to say he fits on the profile: good-looking (yes kinda), high level of education, stable job… The organized/hedonistic serial killer type. I could go on and on and still he’d fit. What ticked me also was his disregard for ethics, for him it’s all pleasure, pure hedonism and also, he’s an atheist so he kept telling that the Christians always had some sense of guilt… This guy is a sicko with a capital S!! He wouldn’t stop touching me, wanting to kiss me!! It was awful! And you know what was worse than awful?! There was this time he helped me get up from the sand and when he did, he pulled me close to him and hugged me tight like that. He had this.. this huge erection and every time he hugged me close, I could feel it through my jeans! Ew ew ew!! Disgusting, absolutely disgusting! I am in utter shock! I swear! If I wasn’t sure about being gay, this would really make my mind pretty clear about it!! Thank you God! I don’t know what to make from this afternoon’s events. But one thing I know for sure and that is that I never, EVER want to see that guy again!! Other thing that ticked me was when I asked him if he had a girlfriend and he said he was still living with whom I presume to be his wife (at the same place?!) but that the divorce was already running and it would be done by December. Hmm.. I wonder why the divorce.. Ok, maybe I’m over-reacting and being speculative in this one, but again it didn’t smell right. I have to say, I feel violated. I came home, undressed myself, got in the tub and I didn’t get out of there before an hour looking at the ceiling, million thoughts running in front of my eyes! I cannot imagine what a woman must feel when she is effectively violated, raped in the truest sense of the word. It’s sad but true. I had one of the weirdest days in my life today, I got home scared and paranoid. But I know, that guy… he’s no good. Oh no he ain’t. Note: I must say, of what I related here, there could be some missing parts or words, but I tried to be as objective as possible in a situation like this

10 October, 2006

The Fucking Disclaimer

If you are offended by the use of bad language fuck off now! Don't read all of this page and then say it annoys you.

Uses of the word Fuck

FUCK is an international word. It doesn't matter where you are in the world, everyone knows exactly what you mean when you say "Fuck Off".

It's the atmosphere it creates, that's why you will never read something like:

"Fuck off", he hinted.

Grammatical Usage

In language, "fuck" falls into many grammatical categories, making it one of the most versatile words in the English language.

It can be used as a verb, both transitive (John fucked Jane) and intransitive (John and Jane fucked). It can be an active verb (John fucked Jane) or a passive verb (Jane was fucked by John). Or an adverb (Jane is a fucking bastard) and a noun (Jane is a terrific fuck). It can be used as an adjective (Jane is fucking beautiful).

Further Structures

As you can see there are few words with the versatility of "fuck". Besides its sexual connotations, this incredible word can be used to describe many situations.

Greetings "How the fuck are you?"
Fraud "I was fucked by the McDonalds Drive Through."
Dismay "Oh, fuck it."
Trouble "Well, I guess I'm fucked again."
Aggression "Fuck you!!!"
Disgust "Fuck me!!!"
Confusion, Curiosity or Disbelief "What the fuck....?"
Diffuclty "I don't understand this fucking thing."
Despair "Fucked again."
Good Job "Congratufuckinglations."
Desperation "Fuckityfuckfuckfuck."
Incompetence "He fucks up everything."
Disappointment "This fucking fucker is fucked."
Intelligence "He's a fucking genius."
Dismissal "Why don't you go outside and play hide-and-go-fuck-yourself?"
Displeasure "What the fuck is going on?"
Lost "Where the fuck are we?"
Disbelief "Unbefuckinglievable!!!"
Retaliation "Up your fucking ass!!!"
Laziness "He's just a fuck-off."
Pain "Fuck ! that hurt."
Pleasure "Oooooooh Fuuuuuuck"
Love "Do ya Fuck on first dates?"
Starting a relationship "Let's fuck now!"
Surprise "Fucking hell what was that?"
Admiration "Nice fucking tits!"
Stupid person "Dumbfuck!"
Hate "You Fuck!"
Condemnation "Fuck that shit!"
Disappointment "That's not fucking fair."
A poker hand "A Royal Fuck."
Ignorant person "Fuckstick."
Denial "I didn't fucking do it."
Perplexity "I know fuck all about it."
Apathy "Who gives a fuck."
Confusion "What the fuck just happened?"
Resignation "Oh fuck it."
Suspicion "Who the fuck are you?"
Panic "Let's get the fuck out of here!"
Directions "Fuck off."
Sex "Let's fuck."
Maternal "Motherfucker."
Incestuous "Motherfucker."
Ambiguity "I'm not so fucking sure."
Agreement "Absofuckinglutely."
Questioning Authority "Who the fuck do you think you are?"
Hypocrisy "Don't you dare fucking swear at me you fucking fucker."
Praising the Lord "Jesus Fucking Christ."
I have a headache "Go fuck yourself."
Refusal "Oh you can fuck right off."
Pissed off "Fuck the fucking fuckers!"
Be quiet "Shut the fuck up."
You're right "Fucking oath." (Australianism)
Ostentation "He's just bought a big, fuck-off Mercedes."
Sensuousness "She was wearing a pair of red leather, fuck-me boots."
Confidence "Fuckin' A."
Impressed "That was fucking amazing."
Oral sex after 30 years of marriage "Fuck you!" (while passing each other in the hall)
Apathy "I don't give a fuck."
Bewilderment or Ignorance "Fucked if I know."
Enraged "I'm gonna fuck you up!"
Annoyance "Fuck off, fucker."
Annoyance "For fuck's sake."
Pissed off "Fuck you, you fucking fuck."
Tardiness "It's ten-fucking-thirty already?"
Broken down motorcycle "Sir, the fucking fucker has fucked up on me.
Professional appraisal of mechanical failure "It's fucked."
Minors "Fucklings."
Morons "Fucktards."
Thanks "Fuck you very much."


The mind boggles at the many creative uses of the word. If by any chance you think I've missed any, please fucking let me know.

How can anyone be offended when you say "FUCK"?

Use it frequently in your daily speech, you will be proud and it will add to your fucking prestige and stature.

Why not say "FUCK YOU !" to someone today.

© Original content is Copyright 1992-2005 Justin Sullivan.

08 October, 2006

03 October, 2006

Sven & Pandora

The new acquisition of my household, Pandora and Sven, sleeping together in my bed.
Aren't they kawaii?! (^_^)
I've been asked a lot of times, since the beginning of the week, if I am alright. This is my answer to all the people that cared for me enough to ask how I was hangin'. Everyone knows that after relationships end, it's sometimes a bit complicated to get back to our real life, mostly due to the fact that we were accustomed to have the routine along with our significant other. Like every loss in life, there is also a mourning period. Whether it's a loved one that passes away, friends that depart, loves you lose.. I believe there must be a mourning period to all this. Maybe people suffer more because they don't want to process that through their minds. It's easier to slump back and wail in the corners.. No it, isn't. It strengthens your character if you can objectively look back at it, take a breath of relief and say to yourself: "It's over." Now a new period begins and you should start anew as well. Like snakes shed their skin, we also should be able to shed our feelings and emotions after "sensitive" times...

But hey... that's just my opinion.

Melissa Etheridge - Breathe

I played the fool today
I just dream of vanishing into the crowd
Longing for home again
Home, is a feeling I buried in you

I'm alright, I'm alright
It only hurts when I breathe

And I can't ask for things to be still again
No I can't ask if I could walk through the world in your eyes
Longing for home again
Home, is a feeling I buried in you

I'm alright, I'm alright
It only hurts when I breathe
I'm alright, I'm alright
It only hurts when I breathe

My window through which nothing hides
And everything sees
I'm counting the signs and cursing the miles in between


Home, is a feeling I buried in you, that I buried in you

I'm alright, I'm alright
It only hurts when I breathe
I'm alright, I'm alright
It only hurts when I breathe, when I breathe
Yeah, it only hurts when I breathe, when I breathe
Oh, it only hurts when I breathe

02 October, 2006

She passed by..
She smiled..
I looked away..
Her smile was gone and I
shut my eyes...

2005-2011 Lachaesis | The Kiss Of The Valkyrie